News & Views

September 2024

Big news!!!

 The lab is awarded an ERC Starting Grant!

2 million euros for cutting edge research

Know more about the project here

July 2024

The lab is awarded 2 new grants!

ANR JCJC & ATIP-avenir

February 2024

The team is growing!

Welcome Oceane & Behnaz

January 2024

The lab is awarded an new grant!

ANR Tremplin

November 2023

The team is growing!

Welcome Emma & Katlyn

July 2023

Lab building

Team work works!

April 2023

Paper highlight!

One brain, multiple and simultaneous alternative decision strategies

April 2023

The team is growing!

Welcome Pierre & Astrid

July 2022

Fanny receives the Transition to Independence Award

From the Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain

March 2022

Fanny is awarded a MSCA postdoctoral fellowship

Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions

September 2021

Champalimaud Research Symposium 

Multiplexing decision computations in the mouse frontal cortex

January 2021

Cazettes et al. 2021 featured in Current Biology

December 2018

How the brain makes choices: the sinuous path from decision to action 

August 2018

Cazettes et al. 2018 featured in the Journal of Neuroscience

March 2016

The Julius Marmur award honors excellence in graduate student research